viernes, 12 de marzo de 2010

Birth of Day

The darkness lingers...

Running low into the valleys...

Trying to extend the night just a little longer.


The sky promises different,

Shedding glimpses of color between clouds

to which the forest gives birth.


Birds change their songs… some seek refuge for the day…

Others flutter from tree to tree… awaiting the warmth of the sun…

announcing its imminent coming.


Bare feet of children do their morning dance… chasing the chickens and dogs…

Running down muddy paths with empty jugs…

Climbing back up tired with the weight of fresh water.


The crackle of fires throughout the mountain…

The smell of fresh coffee simmering in large cauldrons…


The gentle thump of the Pilón…

heartbeat of a people welcoming another day…


Announcing to their God, Yes Lord, we’re still here….waiting... watching...hoping…for what you bring us this day.

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